Seasonal Allergies and Chiropractic

Seasonal Allergies and Chiropractic

Sniffling, sneezing and coughing are typically the signs of a cold coming on; but for those who have a family member that struggles with seasonal allergies, you know that’s not always the case. Oftentimes, those itchy eyes are a sure sign that allergy season is coming...

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Simply Smiling

Simply Smiling

It’s one of the first things that we want to see our babies do and it’s something that we look for as soon as we see a loved one or catch the eye of someone across the room. It’s the universal sign of friendliness and expresses feelings of happiness or delight. But...

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The Six Silent Signs of Subluxation

The Six Silent Signs of Subluxation

Modern day medicine suggests that if you’re not sick then you’re well. The Family Wellness Chiropractor knows better. A lack of obvious symptoms of illness does not mean that you and your family are healthy. Six-Silent-Signs-of-SubluxationDownload

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Sports Mania vs Fitness

Sports Mania vs Fitness

The Western diet and sedentary lifestyle have resulted in a lack of fitness among those who do not make a concerted effort. Yet, many times those efforts prove unsuccessful because they are not sustainable lifestyle changes. For this reason, there is a huge difference...

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Stress-Free Home For The Holidays

Stress-Free Home For The Holidays

In 1938, chemist Franz Greiter developed the first sun- screen, and in 1944 airman Benjamin Greene, who later became a pharmacist, developed his own version to protect soldiers fighting in the South Pacific from sunburn. Since then it’s been considered a necessity for...

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Supporting A Healthy Immune System

Supporting A Healthy Immune System

As the weather turns colder, you may find that your family will be spending less time outside and more time inside with the heater running. Your body’s natural immunity against common illnesses will be put to the test now more than ever, right down to the common cold...

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The Benefits of Berries

The Benefits of Berries

Consumers are beginning to recognize blueberries as a nutritious food, full of antioxidants and other health benefits yet there are other berry options that can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. The science behind berries shows they are one of the best...

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The Benefits of Bone Broth

The Benefits of Bone Broth

It’s early evening and the house has filled up with noise as your family is all coming home from a busy day. It’s cold outside and everyone has a bit of a chill. For years the go-to remedy has been a nice warm broth, but what if that same broth could have a ton of...

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The Healing Power of Aloe Vera

The Healing Power of Aloe Vera

A few decades ago, products began to spring up on grocers’ shelves advertising, “Now includes aloe vera”. It became a kind of “branding shorthand” to tell the consumer that this product would be gentler on the skin; some may have even thought that it would improve...

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The Power Of Breathing

The Power Of Breathing

We take an average of 12 a minute, 720 per hour and over 17,000 per day. Yes, we take that many breaths and we take them for granted. Rarely do we consider just how important that involuntary process is, or that there are proper and improper breathing techniques that...

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Understanding Fatigue

Understanding Fatigue

If you’ve had a busy day or overdid it exercising then you’ll certainly understand being weary or tired. Sometimes too much caffeine in the morning and a heavy lunch can cause an afternoon slump, as most can attest. These are all pretty common as we experience...

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