Cooking Oils

Cooking Oils

You’ve taken the time to buy really fresh vegetables, to dice them up into a delicious mix so that you and your family can eat healthier and feel better. However, the decision of what oil to cook them in is equally important. The wrong cooking oil can turn a healthy...

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Decreasing Dairy

Decreasing Dairy

The purpose of food is to provide our body with the fuel it needs to do what we require in a day. However, so much of what we consume is pre-packaged and overly processed, leading to a lack of actual nutrition. One of the key factors in living a wellness lifestyle is...

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Feet, Gait and Chiropractic

Feet, Gait and Chiropractic

Almost everyone you ask understands that a chiropractor takes care of the spine which is made up of vertebra (or bones) connected by ligaments. The skeleton as a whole is made up of bones and joints also connected by ligaments. Just as a spine can be misaligned, so...

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Fire Cider for Health

Fire Cider for Health

The health and healing properties of apple cider vinegar are no secret. Studies have shown that it helps the body balance sugar levels for those with diabetes or insulin resistance and it’s effective in helping fight infections. These are just the two biggest benefits...

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Garlic, Onions and More

Garlic, Onions and More

Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, once said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Progressive parents understand that you don’t go to the pharmacy first. While pharmaceuticals have their time and place, there are healthier, alternative...

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A Good Night’s Sleep

A Good Night’s Sleep

As adults our bodies require a minimum of eight hours of good restorative sleep, and children require substantially more depending upon their age. It is during sleep that our bodies are rejuvenated, muscles and cells are regenerated and we are re-energized to start a...

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Inflammation – The Good and Bad

Inflammation – The Good and Bad

Inflammation is the term given to describe the body’sresponse to tissue damage such as bacterial infections, trauma, chemical exposures and dying tissue. The problem is that there are times when the inflammation response isn’t accurate and those chemicals, when...

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Meal Planning for Wellness

Meal Planning for Wellness

We all want to raise healthy children, and one of the most important things we can do is feed them right. But cutting back on sugar, dairy and fast-food is just one step. The most important thing we can do is begin helping our children have a healthier relationship...

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Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds

Research is revealing there’s more to the nutritional story of nuts and seeds. Absolutely, they are high in fat. But it’s the good fat, not the bad, and when eaten in moderation, their health benefits far outweigh the dangers of their fat content. The fact is, the...

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Pilates Reformer

Pilates Reformer

In the early 20th century, Joseph Pilates created a physical fitness system that he called “Contrology”.Utilizing three tables called the Chair, the Cadillac and the Reformer to improve core and balance, this low impact, versatile and effective option for people...

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Posture Matters

Posture Matters

Perhaps you remember your parents telling you to sit up straight and now you’ve found yourself telling your children the same thing. Is this just a right of passage from childhood to adulthood, or is there something more to this thing called posture?...

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Reclaiming Your 20

Reclaiming Your 20

Whether it’s a packed day at work, a long list of family commitments, kids to run around all day for sports, cheer and music lessons, or a stack of bills to take care of, the average person lives a stressful life. While stress is probably unavoidable, taking a few...

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