Vertebral Subluxation

Vertebral Subluxation

How to clarify the discussion of chiropractic with friends and family:A common theme in my practice over the past few years is people trying to express the benefits of chiropractic care and what chiropractic is, only to find friends and family “not getting” it. Due to...

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Recipe for Family Wellness- Summer Fun

When it heats up, most families head to the pool or the beach to cool off. But this summer, try to think out of the box and get creative with how you spend your summer months! Here are some ideas for kids(and parents) of all ages!   July 2023 _Recipe for Family...

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Swaddling For Newborns

The practice of swaddling was used for thousands of years and quite popular until the 1700’s when it was slowly abandoned as many cultures considered it to be old fashioned or barbaric. However, it has remained popular in Europe and there now appears to be a...

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How To Protect Your Brain

As complex and amazing the brain is, there are some very easy ways to both protect it and keep it healthy. By doing so, we are able to not productively function, but also preserve an independent way of life and longevity.   April 2023 Brain WFN

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Why Am I Confused about Salt?

The confusion over salt's effect on the body is prevalent as conflicting studies and mythologies abound. Is it good or bad? How much is too much? Is pink salt a fad or a healthier choice? And debates are just beginning about the kind of "salt" to which they're...

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Microplastics In The Food We Eat

Within the food we eat. microplastics are most prevalent in seafood and food derived from farm animals (chicken, beef, etc.). However, it is also found in fruits and vegetables such as carrots and apples. Another study done in 2018 suggests that there are...

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Laughter is contagious- it can evoke giggling fits in those that hear it. It's more infectious than the common cold and easier to catch. It's also been said that laughter is the best medicine- an antidote to stress and a cure for the blues. Yet, the very basics we...

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There are some scents that we can all easily identify: freshly cut grass, a warm baby, or a new car. But, of those, only one of them is toxic.     off-gassingnewsletter

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