Fertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

A Wellness Delivery

A Wellness Delivery

One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life is when she finds out that she is expecting a baby. As excited as she is about the prospect of being a mom, there’s really only one thing on her mind: she wants the baby delivered safely and healthy. Suddenly she’s not...

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Baby Wearing

Baby Wearing

A newborn baby will spend 16-17 hours a day sleeping and, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, that should be on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. However, as a result, many infants are developing flat spots on the back...

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Fertility and Chiropractic

Fertility and Chiropractic

Many couples decide not to have children and go on to have a purposeful and fulfilling life, for other couples the idea of not being parents is devastating. That may be why fertility is a billion-dollar business in the United States alone, but perhaps there’s an...

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Choosing a Home Birth

Choosing a Home Birth

Women know that pregnancy is a natural event that should be celebrated, not a medical condition that has to be treated; and, despite major professional societies condemning the practice of home birth, over 38,000 American babies were born at home in 2017. This...

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Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor

When considering pregnancy or just finding out that they’re expecting, every woman wants to do whatever is best for their unborn child. Preparing their body for pregnancy and making sure that the delivery is as quick and pain-free as possible is definitely high on...

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The Webster Technique

The Webster Technique

Many years ago, if a mother was told that her unborn baby was in the wrong position (i.e. breech, transverse, face/brow) it was assumed that the safest course of action was a C-section. While there were other options such as “External Cephalic Version” by an...

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