Pediatric: School Age

Healthy School Lunches

Parents today recognize the importance of feeding their children healthy nutritious foods. The problem is that the cafeteria has become just another franchise; foods aren’t healthy and well-balanced. Vending machines offer chips, cookies, sodas – all kinds of other...

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Pediatric: School Age

Home Remedies

Wellness parents understand that over-the-counter “medications” are nothing more than chemicals and they choose not to use them unless absolutely necessary. As such, they recognize the value of natural, home remedies. Health and wellness go hand-in-hand and it all...

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Pediatric: School Age

Pediatric Stress

We don’t typically associate childhood with stress. Children don’t have bills to pay, demanding jobs orkids of their own to worry over, so why would children possibly be stressed? This may be how we think, but the sad fact is that children today are being diagnosed...

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Pediatric: School Age

School Smarts

It’s that time of year again: shopping for school clothes and school supplies, getting ready for after-school activities and making sure to have everything necessary to prepare good, healthy lunches. It can get a little overwhelming. Here are just a few...

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Pediatric: School Age

Therapeutic Orphans

Harry Shirkey, a medical practitioner, coined the term “therapeutic orphans” over 50 years ago to describe how children are overlooked in medical research; his observations remain true today. Despite the best efforts of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and...

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Pediatric: School Age

Wellness Outdoors

Many parents look back to their childhood and can remember riding bikes down the street, playing ballwith friends, or climbing trees and digging in the dirt. Where do all of those things take place? Outdoors. Sadly, the average child today will typically spend 5 to...

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Fertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

A Wellness Delivery

One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life is when she finds out that she is expecting a baby. As excited as she is about the prospect of being a mom, there’s really only one thing on her mind: she wants the baby delivered safely and healthy. Suddenly she’s...

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Fertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

Baby Wearing

A newborn baby will spend 16-17 hours a day sleeping and, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, that should be on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. However, as a result, many infants are developing flat spots on the...

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Wellness Lifestyle

Deodorants and Antiperspirants

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, accounting for 16% of total body weight and coveringup to 22 square feet of surface area. It is incredibly permeable and not picky about what it is willing toabsorb. While sweat glands and hair follicles make up, at...

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Pediatric: School Age

Healthy School Lunches

Parents today recognize the importance of feeding their children healthy nutritious foods. The problem is that the cafeteria has become just another franchise; foods aren’t healthy and well-balanced. Vending machines offer chips, cookies, sodas – all kinds of other...

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Pediatric: School Age

Home Remedies

Wellness parents understand that over-the-counter “medications” are nothing more than chemicals and they choose not to use them unless absolutely necessary. As such, they recognize the value of natural, home remedies. Health and wellness go hand-in-hand and it all...

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Pediatric: School Age

Pediatric Stress

We don’t typically associate childhood with stress. Children don’t have bills to pay, demanding jobs orkids of their own to worry over, so why would children possibly be stressed? This may be how we think, but the sad fact is that children today are being diagnosed...

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Pediatric: School Age

School Smarts

It’s that time of year again: shopping for school clothes and school supplies, getting ready for after-school activities and making sure to have everything necessary to prepare good, healthy lunches. It can get a little overwhelming. Here are just a few...

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Pediatric: School Age

Therapeutic Orphans

Harry Shirkey, a medical practitioner, coined the term “therapeutic orphans” over 50 years ago to describe how children are overlooked in medical research; his observations remain true today. Despite the best efforts of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and...

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Pediatric: School Age

Wellness Outdoors

Many parents look back to their childhood and can remember riding bikes down the street, playing ballwith friends, or climbing trees and digging in the dirt. Where do all of those things take place? Outdoors. Sadly, the average child today will typically spend 5 to...

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Fertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

A Wellness Delivery

One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life is when she finds out that she is expecting a baby. As excited as she is about the prospect of being a mom, there’s really only one thing on her mind: she wants the baby delivered safely and healthy. Suddenly she’s...

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Fertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

Baby Wearing

A newborn baby will spend 16-17 hours a day sleeping and, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, that should be on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. However, as a result, many infants are developing flat spots on the...

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Wellness Lifestyle

Deodorants and Antiperspirants

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, accounting for 16% of total body weight and coveringup to 22 square feet of surface area. It is incredibly permeable and not picky about what it is willing toabsorb. While sweat glands and hair follicles make up, at...

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Pediatric: School Age

Healthy School Lunches

Parents today recognize the importance of feeding their children healthy nutritious foods. The problem is that the cafeteria has become just another franchise; foods aren’t healthy and well-balanced. Vending machines offer chips, cookies, sodas – all kinds of other...

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Pediatric: School Age

Home Remedies

Wellness parents understand that over-the-counter “medications” are nothing more than chemicals and they choose not to use them unless absolutely necessary. As such, they recognize the value of natural, home remedies. Health and wellness go hand-in-hand and it all...

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Pediatric: School Age

Pediatric Stress

We don’t typically associate childhood with stress. Children don’t have bills to pay, demanding jobs orkids of their own to worry over, so why would children possibly be stressed? This may be how we think, but the sad fact is that children today are being diagnosed...

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Pediatric: School Age

School Smarts

It’s that time of year again: shopping for school clothes and school supplies, getting ready for after-school activities and making sure to have everything necessary to prepare good, healthy lunches. It can get a little overwhelming. Here are just a few...

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Pediatric: School Age

Therapeutic Orphans

Harry Shirkey, a medical practitioner, coined the term “therapeutic orphans” over 50 years ago to describe how children are overlooked in medical research; his observations remain true today. Despite the best efforts of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and...

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Pediatric: School Age

Wellness Outdoors

Many parents look back to their childhood and can remember riding bikes down the street, playing ballwith friends, or climbing trees and digging in the dirt. Where do all of those things take place? Outdoors. Sadly, the average child today will typically spend 5 to...

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Fertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

A Wellness Delivery

One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life is when she finds out that she is expecting a baby. As excited as she is about the prospect of being a mom, there’s really only one thing on her mind: she wants the baby delivered safely and healthy. Suddenly she’s...

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Fertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

Baby Wearing

A newborn baby will spend 16-17 hours a day sleeping and, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, that should be on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. However, as a result, many infants are developing flat spots on the...

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Wellness Lifestyle

Deodorants and Antiperspirants

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, accounting for 16% of total body weight and coveringup to 22 square feet of surface area. It is incredibly permeable and not picky about what it is willing toabsorb. While sweat glands and hair follicles make up, at...

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