Fertility and Chiropractic

Fertility and Chiropractic

Many couples decide not to have children and go on to have a purposeful and fulfilling life, for other couples the idea of not being parents is devastating. That may be why fertility is a billion-dollar business in the United States alone, but perhaps there’s an...

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Choosing a Home Birth

Choosing a Home Birth

Women know that pregnancy is a natural event that should be celebrated, not a medical condition that has to be treated; and, despite major professional societies condemning the practice of home birth, over 38,000 American babies were born at home in 2017. This...

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Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor

When considering pregnancy or just finding out that they’re expecting, every woman wants to do whatever is best for their unborn child. Preparing their body for pregnancy and making sure that the delivery is as quick and pain-free as possible is definitely high on...

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The Webster Technique

The Webster Technique

Many years ago, if a mother was told that her unborn baby was in the wrong position (i.e. breech, transverse, face/brow) it was assumed that the safest course of action was a C-section. While there were other options such as “External Cephalic Version” by an...

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A Career In Chiropractic

A Career In Chiropractic

Happy Birthday to the Chiropractic Profession! It was in September of 1895 that the first chiropractic adjustment was performed. For the past 121 years, patients have experienced the benefits of chiropractic adjustments and living the holistic, wellness lifestyle....

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Chemical Stressors

Chemical Stressors

When asked about chiropractic care generally, or vertebral subluxation specifically, it’s very common for our minds to go directly to neck or back pain. The average person will almost always connect a physical injury to the presence of vertebral subluxation and the...

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History of Chiropractic

History of Chiropractic

When you hear chiropractic, it may be that the first thing you think of is back and neck pain. Sure, that’s reasonable, because if we’re honest we’ll admit that chiropractic is the best way to relieve back and neck pain. However, it might surprise you to know that the...

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What Controls You?

What Controls You?

When you think about it, our bodies are pretty amazing machines. We can run, jump and climb. We can see, hear, taste, feel and smell. We are made up of many incredible parts that work together to keep the whole thing in operation. If you take a moment to really...

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The Six Silent Signs of Subluxation

The Six Silent Signs of Subluxation

Modern day medicine suggests that if you’re not sick then you’re well. The Family Wellness Chiropractorknows better. A lack of obvious symptoms of illness does not mean that you and your family are healthy. The-Six-Silent-Signs-of-SubluxationDownload

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